We are inviting you to participate in a research project entitled, “Transitioning Together: Development of an Adapted Manualized Transitioning Together Curriculum for Youth with ASD and Co-occurring ID and their Families”.
The purpose of this study is to examine the perspectives of community practitioners and caregivers of transition-aged youth with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and co-occurring intellectual disability (ID) to understand: 1) these families’ transition-related needs and 2) curriculum changes needed to support transition-aged youth with ASD who have significant social communication challenges to participate in Transitioning Together.
Should you choose to be involved, you will be invited to participate in a virtual focus group facilitated by the Brock University research team. It will take about 1.5 to 2 hours. You will be asked questions about what you think families’ transition-related needs are and what modifications should be made to redesign Transitioning Together to meet the needs of families with youth with ASD who have different social communication needs. After the focus group, we may follow-up with you to share early results to ensure that we captured your perspectives. The group interview will be video recorded using a secure and encrypted videoconferencing platform (e.g., Lifesize, Teams, or Zoom Professional/Business) and transcribed for data collection purposes.
While participating in this research does not result in a direct benefit to you, there are indirect benefits to the broader community. What we learn from this study will be important for adapting a manualized Transitioning Together program for families with transition-aged youth with ASD and co-occurring ID. In this way, many future families may benefit from your participation in this research.
This research project is partially funded by Brock University’s Student Funding Initiative RA (SFIRA) Projects.
If you have any pertinent questions about your rights as a research participant, please contact the Brock University Research Ethics Officer (905 688-5550 ext 3035, reb@brocku.ca)
If you have any questions about the study, please feel free to contact the Lead Research Assistant or Principal Investigator. Please find their contact information below.
Thank you in advance,
Principal Investigator (PI):
Priscilla Burnham Riosa, PhD, BCBA-D
Department of Applied Disability Studies
Brock University
(905) 688-5550 x 6376
Lead Research Assistant (LRA):
Shona Mills
MA Student
Department of Applied Disability Studies
Brock University
This study has been reviewed and received ethics clearance through Brock University’s Research Ethics Board [REB 21-095].